
Showing posts with the label Poetry

Hurts to Have, Worries When Wanting It

 Something that's everywhere and not where at all. A lasting touch, fading into a memory.  A nightmare. A longing. A begging.  A crying.  A regret. A fire that fuels a smoldering ash. A missed detail of your favorite story. Hated for being so loving. Something filled with shame done solo. Consuming it burns, searing the skin.  Sex destroys because it breeds life. 

Wishful Wedding

Outside I can be free, The grass is greener and sky is bluer. My senses dull here as I stand, Ankles throbbing. Stomach limiting me to shallow breaths. The false light lies, I see grey instead of white. The light betrays my refection That can be me… I’m not that tired, Not the angry, Not this…boring. Remembering who I was, I must become her again. I can’t do that here. My best friend sees beauty, but I don’t know what she means. She guides me away, as I look back, All I can see is the window. I wish it wasn’t so green.